About Greater Trenton Behavioral HealthCare
Fostering Strong Families & Healthy Children
Since 1981, Greater Trenton Behavioral HealthCare (GTBHC) has helped tens of thousands of Mercer County residents find innovative, life-enhancing solutions to their mental health and substance abuse problems. During this period, we have earned the trust of those whom we serve, and the confidence of our funding sources, who have increased their investment in our services by more than tenfold. In the midst of the state fiscal crisis, however, we must broaden our base of support to ensure continued services to the most vulnerable.
Our clients are in real trouble. They have been “lost in the shuffle.” They are the truly vulnerable, who often look in the wrong places to the wrong people, for help in filling the void created by abuse, neglect, overwhelmed families, and chaotic lifestyles. Often victimized by street violence, they are prime recruits for youth gangs, drug dealers and others who prey on those less fortunate. We offer our clients a safe haven from the streets of Trenton an opportunity to heal and the chance to grow into responsible people, able to care for themselves, and their loved ones.

Providing Mission-Driven Services
Contributions will help support our work with at-risk children, adults and families to address a wide range of individual and family difficulties.
We recognize that your time and money is in short supply. We hope that you will spare a few minutes to review this brief summary of what we do, and whom we serve, and consider joining our community of supporters.
Helping Individuals & Families Recover Hope
Since 1981, GTBHC has provided a broad array of mental health and substance abuse services to tens of thousands of Mercer County residents. GTBHC has pioneered new approaches and solutions to a wide range of community problems.
GTBHC has developed new service approaches in such areas as child abuse prevention; home-based and school-based treatment of at-risk children; rehabilitation services for adolescents and adults with mental health and substance abuse problems; crisis prevention; home-based and outreach services for adults with serious mental illnesses and the homeless; support for caretakers of the elderly and those with mental illness; and help for welfare recipients in moving towards employment. In a number of cases, our approaches have become models replicated in other communities.
Meeting Client Needs…
GTBHC’s counselors and therapists have helped tens of thousands of individuals learn strategies for recovering from the wide range of troubles afflicting them – child abuse, mental illness, substance abuse, spousal abuse, assault and street trauma, and other problems that keep many inner city residents in despair.
These staff work closely with families in trouble, individuals discharged from state psychiatric hospitals and correctional facilities, as well as those who are homeless and living on the streets. They provide practical help in meeting the basic necessities – such as food, shelter, financial assistance, support with medical care, personal hygiene, laundry, etc. They also help clients gain control over symptoms, and learn the skills needed to manage mental illness and recover from addictions.
…Through Cost-Effective Treatment…
Our continuum of care for at-risk children and families and for at-risk adults and families offers a range of treatment services with graduated intensities. This allows us the versatility to modify treatment based on the unique treatment needs of each client, and to respond quickly when treatment needs change. Treatment staff intervene to provide more intensive support when clients begin to experience greater difficulty, and help clients whose conditions are improving move on to less intensive support.
In our crisis prevention work, we help individuals and families learn how to stay healthy and live successfully in the community with minimal dependence on high-cost hospitals for their care. We help our clients manage their symptoms and become partners in the healing process. This puts them in the driver’s seat and results in reduced treatment costs.
… and Responsive Services
GTBHC treatment staff work closely with clients who have been discharged from state psychiatric hospitals and correctional facilities, as well as those who are homeless and living on the streets. They provide practical help in meeting the basic necessities – such as food, shelter, financial assistance, support with medical care, personal hygiene, laundry, etc.
They also help their clients manage the disabling symptoms of mental illness that have led to high- cost hospitalizations in the past. GTBHC treatment staff specialize in preventing crises by intervening before a person’s problems become so difficult that high-cost, hospital-based care or institutionalization is the only answer. They provide assessment; care management and supportive counseling; substance abuse education and intervention; vocational support; medication and treatment.
Producing Outcomes That Save Tax Dollars!!!
Numerous studies have documented that it is much more costly to provide services on-site in public psychiatric hospitals than by community-based mental health providers like GTBHC. One highly regarded study, conducted by the New Jersey Association of Mental Health Agencies, concluded that community-based mental health providers have allowed the State of New Jersey to reduce the number of public psychiatric hospital beds from 15,000 in 1970 to roughly 2,000 beds currently – this 90 percent reduction in beds has produced an annual savings to the taxpayers of nearly $1 billion per year.
GTBHC is able to dramatically reduce costs because we are more accessible, more responsive, and offer a wider range of services than state psychiatric institutions. This has resulted in improved quality of life for our clients and reduced costs for the taxpayer, as demonstrated by the following outcomes:
■ 95% client satisfaction with services
■ 91% reduction in use of state hospital-based care
■ 55% of high-risk/low-functioning clients improved their stability and functioning
■ 86% of at-risk/moderate functioning clients
We improved the quality of life for these individuals and families, and reduced hospital-based care to the extent that
the savings not only paid for these services but gave the taxpayer a $4 million return on investment.
Service Initiatives & How You Can Help …
Your financial support can help us implement a number of high priority initiatives to improve the quality of life, and safety of our clients, staff and community.
■ Parenting Skills – helping new mothers manage the stresses of parenting, and avoid stress-based behaviors harmful to their children and themselves.
■ Technology of Change – training all staff in the most advanced, scientifically- proven treatment approaches to help our clients to recover fully from mental illness and addictions, and learn more healthy lifestyles and behaviors.
■ School Safety – a project to help Trenton Public Schools prevent school violence by learning “mental health first aid” to help students negatively affected by violent incidents, as well as students prone to violent behavior.
■ Permanent Housing – develop safe, affordable permanent housing for special needs clients as the first step in their recovery from mental illness.
■ Staff Safety – implement “best practices” to help treatment staff identify the early warning signs of violence, and learn “street-smart” skills to avoid danger, prevent violence, and escape violent encounters, if they occur.