Housing First
328 Sutherland Rd
Ewing Township, NJ 08618
Phone: (609) 591-1823
Referrals Accepted Only Through Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness
Housing First is a program that provides housing to chronically homeless individuals and families,. There is no requirement for tenants to participate in services, however support is offered in many areas including landlord/neighbor relationships, employment, linkage to services, illness management and recovery services, etc. Rental subsidies are provided. 24 hour on-call is available. Mercer County Housing First is a demonstration project carried out with support from the Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness, N.J. Department of Human Services and its Divisions of Mental Health Services and Family Development, Department of Community Affairs. United Way of Mercer County, City of Trenton, County of Mercer, NJ Housing Mortgage and Finance Agency, Corporation for Supported Housing, Monarch Housing, Mercer County Board of Social Services, and others.